Thursday, December 20, 2012

Master Paintings

Xavier Murdoch

Zoe Plank
Sophie Donnelly
  My painting students have been working all month on recreating a master works of art through the graphing technique. As a class we focused on the works of art that were created during Expressionism based on the color palette used during this movement. Expressionist painters shared one fundamental aim: to externalize their most profound feeling, which they did principally by distorting the forms of visible reality. Their color was bold, bright and symbolic. Many Expressionist painters implemented the cleaver use of complementary colors which has been a primary focus of our color mixing. Vincent Van Gogh was quoted as wanting to "express in red and green the terrible passions of human beings."

Take a look as some of the completed works of art originally created by Edvard Munch, Etnst-Ludwig Kirchner and Erich Heckel. 
REcreated by Peter Clark, Kerri Colby and Paula Costa. 

"Wolkenschatten" (Cloud Shadows) by Erich Heckel
Painted by Paula Costa

 Etnst Ludwig Kirchner painting, Painted by Kerri Colby

"Forest" by Edvard Munch painted by Peter Clark

Friday, December 7, 2012

Hard at work: Focus on the mouth

Henry Gates

Jennifer & Jessica Palazola with Erica Casucci

Jaclyn Lowe

Both my G Block and C Block drawing classes are still hard at work creating their self-portraits from life. Today's focus was on drawing the mouth. There are some simple guidelines to follow in creating a general shape for your mouth. After the general shape and proportion is there, you will need to go back in a really look at the shape of the lips that you are drawing. Look at the "peaks" of your lip and how your philtrum is formed.

To Start:
Remember the upper lip is made up of three parts and the lower lip of 2 parts (as shown in figure below)
Create a horitzonal  line with a smaller vertical  line in the center.
Using the vertical line, creat a circle in the center of the vertical line (be sure the vertical line cuts the circle in half)
On either side of the circle create an oval that rests on your hoizontal guidlines, touching the circle.
(these are your 3 parts)
Your lower lip will be two symmetrical ovals that meet on your vertical guideline and touch the top oval.
Now, go back up to your small circle created in the first step and make a halo on the top of the circle.
Erase any marks over the halo.
Now, outline the outside shape of your lips, and begin to shade in your lips with the lead of your guidelines.
Go back in and now redefine your lines by looking at the shape of your lips.
Following these steps will give you a jumping off point.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hard at work

Gabriela Robinson

All of my drawing students are now hard at work on their self-portraits. We have spent the last two weeks working on proportions of the face and sketching individual parts of the face. 

Here are some things to remember when setting up for a self portrait:
Sketch an egg-shaped oval and divide into halves both vertically and horizontally.
The two horizontal halves are again divided in half, providing 4 equal segments of the head
The eyes are located on the center line, the brows a quarter of the distance around the eyes.
The mouth is one-third the distance below the nose to the chin.
The hairline occupies approximately the top quarter of the head and brow. 
Setting up these guidelines is essential in getting correct proportion.